
Healthy Horizons Symposium


June 8 – 9, 2024

Building Bridges between Classical Chinese Medicine, Biofield Science, and Consciousness

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How to watch recorded talks and complete for CEU/PDA:

  1. Sign in to the HHS website with the email and password you used to register.
  2. Click your name from the top right of your screen and a dropdown menu will appear
  3. Click “My Courses”
  4. Scroll and click the course you’d like to view
  5. Scroll and click the button “Click here for your CEU/PDA credits”
  6. Choose from the options on the side menu

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Why choose the Healthy Horizons Symposium

  • The world is at a breaking point and we are at risk of becoming extinct.

Let’s be part of the solution and not the problem. Bring more light into the world.

  • Participate in the Healthy Horizons Symposium to help us heal by supporting the shift from the outdated paradigm of separation, competition and scarcity to the evolving paradigm being ushered in of wholeness, collaboration and abundance.

  • If we only focus on the physical and ignore the metaphysical and spiritual we often find ourselves and our patients struggling to truly experience well-being and happiness.

The current medical paradigm, including how we practice TCM, appears to be losing the soul (pun intended) and humanity of the medicine. There is emerging research about how purpose and spirituality play a part in our health and happiness. Although most conferences do not want to go there, the Healthy Horizons Symposium (HHS) has purposely chosen to explore the mysterious part of health and happiness, including the metaphysical and spiritual.

  • We need to move beyond a merely reductionistic and materialistic view of the universe to one of holism and complexity.

  • Learn about how the metaphysical and spiritual can have a measurable effect on the physical body, stress, mental health, and some diseases.

Find ways to help yourself and your community live with vitality.

  • Classical Chinese medicine has so much to offer this endeavor.

The topic of consciousness is woven throughout the Healthy Horizons Symposium online event. Both biofield science and classical Chinese medicine recognize the central role of the mind in health and healing.

  • However, rather than focusing on disease treatment protocols, the practical presentations will largely focus on the use of classical Chinese medicine and biofield therapies for psychospiritual development and transformation.

  • While the event is primarily targeted at licensed acupuncturists and other healthcare professionals who apply the principles of Chinese medicine in their practice, we welcome members of the biofield science and consciousness studies communities who have an interest in East Asian healing modalities and philosophy.

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We believe that there is much for the Chinese medicine community to learn from the exciting research being done in the biofield science and conscious healing community over the past 20 years. We also think there is just as much for the biofield science community to learn from scholars and practitioners of classical Chinese medicine.

Experienced clinicians will reveal how to:

  • Use the eight extraordinary vessels to resolve trauma

  • Use sound healing and pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation from a Chinese medicine perspective

  • Apply the insights of integral theory in the practice of Chinese medicine

  • Apply techniques to promote coherence within the body and alignment with the Tao

  • Harmonize the five elements using archetypal visualizations, healing tones, and electroacupuncture

  • Use a Daoist acupuncture protocol to harmonize the subconscious and emotional mind of the patient

  • Use classical herbal formulas to align with the healing power of the biofield

Biofield scientists will share their insights about:

  • Modern technologies that objectively measure and image the human biofield

  • Electrophysiology of acupuncture points and channels

  • Water imprinted with healing frequencies

  • How complexity science and research on the interstitium come together to help understand the amazing healing power of acupuncture

Scholars of the classical Chinese medical and philosophical literature will explore:

  • The multidimensional holographic nature of reality

  • The nature of the resonant universe

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More benefits by joining the Healthy Horizons Symposium

Live Stream

Join any lecture from wherever you are in the world with our live webinar access.  You get to listen and watch the presentations and panel discussions from you own safe and comfortable space.

Get all the content

There is no such thing as a date and time conflict during June 8 – 9 because you gain access to the full library of session recordings including all the question-and-answer sessions with each presentation with your 2-day live stream registration.

Watch and rewatch the content at your convenience for the next year until June 30, 2025, allowing you the ease and freedom to absorb the valuable insights on your schedule.

Short talks not an issue:

Unlike many symposiums where there are consecutive short 20 minute talks right after another which does not allow your favorite speaker to go deeper into the material or for you to ask questions, we have structured the HHS in a way that:

  • Talks are approximately an hour or longer to allow for your speaker time to impart their clinical knowledge and experience on the subject manner.
  • Breaks to collect yourself and grab a beverage and have a state change before the next talk.

Time to gain clarity on the subject material

There are 15 minutes after each plenary presentation and up to 30 minutes after each concurrent session for you to ask questions to help clarify the subject matter and support you in absorbing the material. In addition to Q&A, many of the concurrent sessions also include live experiential activities designed to shift your consciousness or upgrade your bodymind.

Concurrent sessions no longer causing Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO)

The symposium schedule is incredible! There are multiple speakers at the same time, and you have to choose between two great talks, which leads to FOMO and frustration because you want to see them all.  We have solved that issue. You gain access to the full library of session recordings including all the concurrent sessions with your registration. All the question-and-answer sessions are included as well, so you can review courses again or watch any you missed until June 30, 2025 (one year access).

Continuing Education Credits (CEU/PDA/CPD)

There is a total of 19.5 CEU/PDA/CPD you can earn from registering for the HHS 2-day live stream.

A maximum of 15 live CEU can be earned from attending the 2-day live stream in June 2024. The remainder concurrent sessions that add up to an additional 4.5 CEU/PDA, can be earned as distance during your one-year access to recordings until June 30, 2025.

You can choose to do the HHS all as distance (19.5 CEU/PDA) if you have a conflict during June 8 – 9 dates.  Make sure to register for the 2-day live stream event to save on all the recordings as they are included with your registration or the live event.

You can also buy a one day pass for either June 8 or June 9. June 8 has up to  7.5 live credits plus 3 on demand credits. June 9 has up to 7.5 live credits plus 1.5 additional on demand credits.

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