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Juanita Mathews received her B.S. in biochemistry at the University of Nevada in Reno then went on to work in industry for a few years, specifically in anti-aging and anti-bioterrorism.  She then went on to study amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at Oregon Health and Sciences University.  She then decided to obtain her PhD in molecular biosciences and bioengineering at University of Hawaii at Manoa where she did metabolic engineering on E.coli bacteria for biohydrogen production.  Her first postdoc was at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, where she worked on the genetic modification of human adipose stem cells for conversion into cardiomyocytes.  After many years of following his work, she joined Michael Levin’s group at Tufts University where she did her second postdoc and is currently a staff scientist. Her projects have included the bioelectrical manipulation of innervation, non-neuronal cell communication and conditioning, and currently the bioelectric manipulation of cancer.