Free Lectures from Community Library

Free Webinars

Healthy Horizons Symposium is pleased to announce a free webinar series. In this series of webinars, we will be exploring topics related to the theme of the symposium — Building Bridges between Classical Chinese Medicine, Biofield Science, and Consciousness. We look forward to some thought-provoking conversations.

Making Sense of Bioelectricity

Recorded March 26, 2024

A stimulating webinar exploring the relationship between modern research on bioelectricity and traditional concepts such as qi, prana, and subtle bodies. Todd Luger, the cochair of the Healthy Horizons Symposium, moderated a discussion between Prana Gogia, John Hubacher, and the healthy seminars community. The webinar began with a short video of Dr. Michael Levin on his groundbreaking research into the bioelectrical code of the human body. Prana Gogia and John Hubacher then shared their insights into how various metaphysical traditions might make sense of this research and what it portends for the future.

Register for the HHS live online June 8 & 9 event

Transcript_Making Sense of Bioelectricity


Todd’s slides

Prana’s slides

Resources mentioned in this webinar

Revisiting Burr and Northrop’s “The Electro-Dynamic Theory of Life” by Michael Levin

Aging as a morphostasis defect: a developmental bioelectricity perspective by Michael Levin

Levin Lab publications on bioelectricity

Michael Levin: The electrical blueprints that orchestrate life | TED (video)

Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life by Harold Saxton Burr

Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 6, Biology and Biological Technology; Part 6, Medicine by Joseph Needham

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life by Robert Becker

Introduction to Integrative Biophysics by Marco Bischof

The Web of Life by John Davidson

Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey (text)

Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey (audio)